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Eurospechim news
Enhance the taste of your products with natural taste modulators
Taste modulators Offering consumers the taste of [... ].
T-LIN : A French flour for the substitution of eggs in BVP products
Substitute eggs totally or partially in baked goods with [...].
Meet us at CFIA Rennes 2022 from 8 to 10 March
Join us at the 25th CFIA! We are [... ]
Improving the stability of your oil in the frying process is possible!
Improving oil stability in the frying process means [...].
What do consumers think about food additives?
The results of a new survey conducted in Germany suggest [...].
Conquering the market for plant-based alternatives to eggs: Clean labelling, nutrition and meeting 'fanatical' demand.
The global egg replacement market is on a [...].
- According to a report by Bloomberg Intelligence, the market for plant-based products will experience "explosive growth" and reach $162 billion by 2030.
According to a report by Bloomberg Intelligence, the market for plant-based products will experience "explosive growth" and reach $162 billion by 2030.
Innovation in the field of gut-friendly foods is leading to health benefits, from stress to sleep.
While food that respects the environment is [... ]
What do consumers think about reducing sugar and sweeteners?
Reducing sugar has become a macro-health trend among [...].
Immunity problems drive consumers to nutrient-rich products.
According to an analysis by Innnova Market Insight, the pandemic and the [...]
The big opportunities in preventive nutrition: The post-covid buzz around functional ingredients.
Ingredients likely to boost immunity and health [... ].
Ulrick & Short launches new flour to improve texture of gluten-free baking products
Ulrick & Short has launched a new functional flour [... ].
4 ways to stop your oil-treated gummies from sticking
Who doesn't love colorful assortments of gummies and jellies [...].
Meet us at CFIA Rennes from 9 to 11 June 2021
The CFIA 2021 will take place, and we'll be there [...].
The Smart Protein Project: could legumes and quinoa be the alternative meat of the future?
According to the Smart Protein project, which was created to [...]
Palmitate in Sn2 position: benefits on infant neurological development
A recent clinical study demonstrates new benefits of [...].
Plant proteins - quantity and quality matter
The amount of plant protein used in vegetarian products [... ].
Sugar: the next ingredient set to come under fire its impact on the climate?
Sugar could be the next ingredient to be criticized for its [...].
Defining the term 'Clean Label'
"Clean Label" is now a widely used term in [...].
The development of a new "gut health" product by BioNeutra funded by Canadian research organizations
Our partner BioNeutra today announced the launch of a new [...].
Bunge Loders Croklaan expands its range of organic vegetable oils and fats
Our partner Bunge Loders Croklaan is extending its range of oils [...].
Ulrick & Short partners with FDF to find solutions for reducing sugar, fat and salt
Obesity is one of the biggest health challenges [... ].
The global ice cream market continues to explore alternatives to sugar: VitaFiber® IMO
Confectionary Production magazine presents the advantages of [...].
No shortage of awards for BioNeutra
Our partner BioNeutra's flagship product was [...].
The Lactobacillus taxonomy change has arrived!
The taxonomy of Lactobacilli is changing. Are you up to date?
CAPOL opens production line for confectionery finishing products in Saint Hubert, Canada
Our partner CAPOL® opens a new production line [... ].
Vegan solutions for confectionery surface treatment
On the occasion of World Vegan Day, CAPOL® [...].
Quinoa cultivation in The Netherlands!
Proud to represent GreenFood50 and their quinoa ingredients [...].
Why is the microbiota important for our body... and our brain?
The relationship between our gut microbiota and our brain [... ].